The Anglican Diocese of Bathurst is committed to safe ministry and has zero tolerance for any kind of abuse

This includes our commitment to our pastoral and duty of care with the goal that all ministries are spiritually, emotionally and physically safe; based on the premise that diocesan parishes and ministries should be person-valuing and respectful places free from abuse and harm, for ministry to God’s glory,

This standard of Christian love is expected in the lives of all clergy and church workers. These people must agree to abide by the standard of behaviour contained in our code of conduct Faithfulness in Service. This code, adopted by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia, prohibits all forms of inappropriate, abusive and exploitative behaviour towards children and adults.

To aid in ensuring the Faithfulness in Services standards are adhered to, we have a Professional Standards process for handling complaints made against clergy and church workers as well as a Grievance Procedure Policy.

Bathurst Diocese Care & Assistance Scheme June 2020

Complaints of inappropriate behaviour on the part of clergy or church workers may be reported to the Director of Professional Standards, Peter Barnett, via email to or by phoning 1800 070 511. We are committed to resolving all complaints as quickly as possible for the sake of all involved parties.

General Enquiries

Louise Hickey
Office: (02) 6331 1722

Safe Ministry Training

Safe Ministry Training – Teen Helpers

Parish Safe Ministry Co-ordinators – Resources

PSMC Position Description

– SM Record Keeping Procedures

– Incident Form

Guidelines and Forms

* Bathurst Screening Protocol and Guidelines V2.4 28 JUN 24