Our vacant parishes seeking workersEleven wonderful parishes. Patiently praying that the Lord will raise up workers for his harvest field!
We long for the day when each parish has a minister to shepherd you, love you and nurture you and help you to get on with the privileged work of SHARING JESUS FOR LIFE.
I am in awe and wonder at the way our parishes without rectors show their perseverance and patience. Many licenced lay ministers, visiting clergy, churchwardens and parish council members, carry an extraordinary load.
Thank you! God is at work through you, to bring new life.
Bathurst Cathedral – seeking an assistant (training) role.
Bourke-Brewarrina – thank you for continuing to meet every week, faithfully worshipping God and gathering for fellowship and encouragement after the service. 100% of those attending, stay for after church
fellowship! Thank you for welcoming newly arrived Indonesian meat workers who have discovered warm fellowship – and scones with jam and cream!
Condobolin – thank you for your example of keeping going, and for your beautiful heart for one another and for Jesus. Thank you for your work to improve drainage and disability access and your support of people through the floods.
Coolah-Dunedoo – thank you for having the courage to try new things with a new service for families once a month at Coolah! You do amazingly well with a priest just one day a week and a visiting lay minister one weekend each month!
Coonabarabran – we rejoice in all that the Lord has done for his glory through the Thornhill family, moving to serve at Dubbo Anglican in early 2024. We pray the Lord will raise up the right person to carry on His vital work in Coonabarabran.
Coonamble – thank you for your obvious joy in the Lord; for your work to obtain grants to renovate the hall and for your warm welcome to those who visited from Cursillo.
Cumnock – thank you to those who will take on leading the services and other ministry after November when Archdeacon Frank will step back from his fortnightly visits. Your joy in the Lord is palpable.
Dubbo – seeking an Assistant Minister (3-days part-time) to coordinate youth and children’s ministries, service leading and preaching, and supporting community-related pastoral ministry.
Gilgandra – though your church building has major structural issues, your church (as in, the body of Christ), is sound and strong. Thank you for your example of love and unity as you meet regularly with the Uniting Church. Thank you for the honour I have of preaching in your church regularly through the weekly videos.
Nyngan – we all feel the sadness that currently you are only able to meet for church once a month. Yet thank you for keeping on, witnessing to God’s love and generous heart through the ministry of the Op Shop.
Trundle – amazing hard work by one particular LLM has meant this church – with multiple centres – has kept going through another tough year. We praise God for the help of a locum these past few months.
Warren – we praise God for you and your heart to support one another with the Lord’s strength and presence. Thanks for those who work so hard to keep things going.
West Wyalong – we praise God for the Klouths who have faithfully ministered here over the past year and pray that God will raise up a new worker for this harvest.
So, in all these parishes, we praise God for the new life we see in you, despite the challenges and hardships of not
having a permanent shepherd! We praise God for the example of your perseverance and sheer hard work.
We praise God for your trust in the Lord and the way you wait on him in prayer.