The diocese is governed by a balance of powers between the Bishop and a governing council known as the Diocesan Synod.
The Synod of the Diocese of Bathurst currently has around 125 members including the Bishop as President, the Bishop’s Chancellor, the Bishop’s Registrar, all clergy who have been given charge of a parish, and two elected representatives from each parish. The Bishop may add to this list any other clergy working in the diocese; up to three youth representatives; and up to ten additional lay people.
The Synod has authority to make laws to govern the church within the diocese, but these laws only come into effect with the consent of the Bishop. Synod normally meets once a year, and between these meetings it delegates its authority to a diocesan executive known as Bishop-in-Council.
The Synod ordains the following Ordinances to provide for the rules by which the Diocese and parishes are administered.
Download the 2023 Administration ordinance (467KB)
Download the 2023 Parish ordinance (598KB)
To view all ordinances in force, click below.