Welcome to the Diocese of Bathurst

New South Wales

The Anglican Church in Central & Western covers about a third of NSW, stretching from the Blue Mountains to the Queensland border. The regional church office is in Bathurst, assisting the region’s 28 parishes.




Only One Gospel

Exploring Galatians
View sermons

Prayer Diary

Download a copy of the 2024 Diocesan Prayer Diary.

Safe Ministry

Complete Safe Ministry Training online, at a time to suit you.

All volunteers in our parishes need to complete Level 1 Training, in person or online, every 3 years. If you volunteer with children’s ministry, please also complete Level 2.


Read the most recent Pentecost edition of the diocesan newsletter.

Every plessing as we give thanks to God for his Holy Spirt who dwells with us, and transforms and equips us for his service!